
Homepage The Stage Broad Way Lost Soul Danger Ahead Alone Sorrow Birthday Sonnets: 1 2 3 4 Waning Star Repentance Home Nature Born in the Night Provocative Lady Conversion: An Allegory Desert Rose Unlikely Tool Love Lost Felix and the Sanctuarythe Search for Peace Chapter II Chapter III Forest of Darkness: Prologue Part I

                Returning Home
The burdens of life are too much for me.
My infirmities, Lord, are too heavy to carry.
I am drowning in the sea of shame.
I can no longer stand the awesome
Waves. Forgive me, Master, but my strength
Is depleted. I have fought, Lord, with
What's inside and out; I have fought,
But I am weak. I have lost the fight.
I remember the days when I was strong.
You were my strength, eyes, and all.
My hands held the bow. My fingers were on the string.
I yielded to you, before me mine enemies did fall.
I walked in the camp of mine enemies,
Their gaze would not dare meet mine eyes.
In those days I was clad in the armor
Of God. I was always ready for war.
The trumpet sounded, immediately, I was on
My feet. The call came, I would not shun
The battle. The giants had their spears,
I had the sword of God, and had them shedding tears.
I was a soldier in the army of heaven.
The forces of hell could only complain
(For Satan lures souls into his eternal
Abode while Jesus saves from that infernal)
As they beheld souls snatched from hell's door.
I delighted in my Savior. He was my Shore
In the turbulent seas of life. I sometimes traveled far
Into distant and dangerous waters, but the Shore was always there,
There to receive me, as if I was never
Gone. My heart yearns to step where
The ground is firm, where it's never shallow.
On that Shore, where the sun shines yellow
Like gold, you never need to fear sinking,
Or even losing your way, for the Path is strong
And firm, and the sun is always
Beaming, leading to that glorious city of bliss.
How glorious were those days of yore!
If I had them again, I'd want nothing more.
But how can I forget? I am a broken vessel,
Not fit for my Master's use. I've lost the struggle.
But has the One who guided my hand
In battle in time past become weak? Did
He lose His precision in guiding an arrow?
Can He no longer teach my hands to war?
Has my faithful Shore become unfaithful?
Will the majestic sands, so warm, so blissful,
So welcoming, become quicksand
Under my feet? Is He no longer my Friend?
Will my eternally faithful Lord prove
Unfaithful? Has my Master, who love
Me so, cast me off forever? Will the Compassionate
No longer show compassion? No. I must not fret.
My omnipotent Commander is not weak.
Even now, impotent as I am, He shall seek
For me to strengthen me (or remove
My infirmity) and empower me with power from above.