
Homepage The Stage Broad Way Lost Soul Danger Ahead Alone Sorrow Birthday Sonnets: 1 2 3 4 Waning Star Repentance Home Nature Born in the Night Provocative Lady Conversion: An Allegory Desert Rose Unlikely Tool Love Lost Felix and the Sanctuarythe Search for Peace Chapter II Chapter III Forest of Darkness: Prologue Part I

     As a child she didn’t understand why everything she touched died. Some died immediately and others took years, but death always came. Grass she trod upon withered over time. Small plants she brushed against died. Larger trees died at her touch, too, but not all of them. Some survived and became large and deformed. These had a tendency to stretch out their branches above their cottage.

      Her biggest surprise came when she was ten. She went to sleep and waited for the day but it lingered. She ran outside. Away from their cot, she found the sky lit-up with sunlight while their part of the forest was in darkness.