
Homepage The Stage Broad Way Lost Soul Danger Ahead Alone Sorrow Birthday Sonnets: 1 2 3 4 Waning Star Repentance Home Nature Born in the Night Provocative Lady Conversion: An Allegory Desert Rose Unlikely Tool Love Lost Felix and the Sanctuarythe Search for Peace Chapter II Chapter III Forest of Darkness: Prologue Part I

                  The Broad Way

Come here and sit beside me for a while.

Don’t roll your eyes. Sit down. I won’t be long.

We drive the road of life mile by mile,

Never knowing with certainty how long

And painful this journey our life shall be;

Along the way He left us signs as guides,

With Divine sight He sees what we can’t see.

Oh, Love, be wise and pay heed to His signs.

That large and green One warns Danger Ahead.

Lo, to your right, an exit to His Road.

Take the exit, for you shall soon be dead

On this Broad Way. My Little One, I’ve told

  You of the dangers of this reckless way,

  The choice is yours if on this road you’ll stay.